Solar Panel Inspection in Preston Identifies 50% of panels are not working efficiently costing hundreds of pounds!

Bleasdale Parish Hall suspected a drop in performance from their solar panels so asked us to investigate.

Jason H
Jason H
August 17, 2022

Drones for Earthworks & Stockpiles

Drones can be used to quickly collect accurate data. However, drones can add a complexity to the surveying process. Creating a topographic survey with a drone is a completely different process compared to a terrestrial survey with the boots on the ground.

May 4, 2021
Drone Surveys for Construction

Drones for Inspection

Drones are able to give a thorough view of a roof and establish which parts will not need further inspection. This ensures that roof inspections can be safer, faster and more efficient.

Jason H
Jason H
May 4, 2021
Drone Roof Inspections

Drones for Advanced Traffic Analysis

A single drone and operator can safely cover a whole traffic island or transport corridor. Operating the drone from a safe location, away from traffic, the drone can record high resolution video, getting a perspective not normally possible.

Jason H
Jason H
May 4, 2021
Advanced Traffic Survey

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